= Welcome to DXiner's Interest Group = A site to chat about issues and technique, working with Textual DXiner and Visual DXiner.[[BR]][[BR]]You have access to both the Blog and the Forum ... and people who use TDx and/or VDx, get access to the fault tracking system. This site has only just started up, so it's looking a bit sparse. Still the more you join in, the better it'll get.[[BR]][[BR]] == [wiki:DevelopmentProcess Development Process] == == Features ... == === The Tools === * [wiki:OldVersionVDx Older versions of VDx ( VisualBRON v1.1 )]  * [wiki:OlderVersionsTDx Older versions of TDx v0.9] === Code Support and Generators for === * [wiki:VDx2TDxC VDx generators for TDx for C] * [wiki:VDx2C VDx generators for C] * [wiki:TDx2C TDx generators for C] ===== Please note that all supporting code (1) are supplied and vary according to the generator used ===== 1. class, dlist and core(operating system abstraction layer) and alternative versions of ANSI libraries